
Cheyenne (1929)

Género : Western

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Albert S. Rogell
Escritor : Bennett Cohen


Cal Roberts can ride anything with four legs. He enters the contests held at big rodeo. He wins all honors and meets a girl who races horses to help her father clear pressing debts. Complications follow, but Cal wins the girl.


Ken Maynard
Ken Maynard
Cal Roberts
Gladys McConnell
Gladys McConnell
Violet Wentworth
James Bradbury Jr.
James Bradbury Jr.
Billy Franey
Billy Franey
Judge Boggs
Slim Whitaker
Slim Whitaker


Albert S. Rogell
Albert S. Rogell
Bennett Cohen
Bennett Cohen
Charles R. Rogers
Charles R. Rogers
Fred Allen
Fred Allen
Frank B. Good
Frank B. Good
Director of Photography
Marion Jackson
Marion Jackson

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