
Craig's Wife (1928)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 10M

Director : William C. de Mille


Harriet Craig, whose obsession with material possessions and immaculate neatness results in misery for all concerned. Harriet's husband remains blind to his wife's selfishness-until his eyes are opened when he is implicated in a double murder...


Irene Rich
Irene Rich
Harriet Craig
Warner Baxter
Warner Baxter
Walter Craig
Virginia Bradford
Virginia Bradford
Carroll Nye
Carroll Nye
John Fredericks
Lilyan Tashman
Lilyan Tashman
Mrs. Passmore
George Irving
George Irving
Mr. Passmore
Jane Keckley
Jane Keckley
Miss Austen
Mabel Van Buren
Mabel Van Buren
Mrs. Frazer
Ethel Wales
Ethel Wales
Rada Rae
Rada Rae


William C. de Mille
William C. de Mille
Clara Beranger
Clara Beranger
George Kelly
George Kelly
Theatre Play
Anne Bauchens
Anne Bauchens
Edward C. Jewell
Edward C. Jewell
Art Direction
Morton Whitehill
Morton Whitehill
Assistant Director
David Abel
David Abel
Director of Photography

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