
The Mexican (1956)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 21M

Director : Vladimir Kaplunovskiy


Based on the short story by Jack London. 1910 year. Mexican patriots are preparing an uprising against the dictatorship of Diaz. Young Felipe Rivera joins the revolutionary junta, whose father and mother were shot by dictators. The hour of rebellion is near, but the heroes lack weapons. To get the necessary amount of money, Rivera decides to perform in the ring against Ward, America’s strongest boxer...


Oleg Strizhenov
Oleg Strizhenov
Rivera / Fernandez
Boris Andreyev
Boris Andreyev
Paulino Vera
Daniil Sagal
Daniil Sagal
Mark Pertsovsky
Mark Pertsovsky
Nadezhda Rumyantseva
Nadezhda Rumyantseva
Vladimir Dorofeyev
Vladimir Dorofeyev
Tatyana Samoylova
Tatyana Samoylova
Lev Durasov
Lev Durasov
detachment commander
Mikhail Astangov
Mikhail Astangov
Georgi Slabinyak
Georgi Slabinyak
Gennadi Stepanov
Gennadi Stepanov
Leonid Kmit
Leonid Kmit
Maksim Grekov
Maksim Grekov
Georgiy Vitsin
Georgiy Vitsin
Leonid Nedovich
Leonid Nedovich
tall tramp
Viktor Kolpakov
Viktor Kolpakov
fat tramp
Zana Zanoni
Zana Zanoni
Rivera's mother
Yevgeni Morgunov
Yevgeni Morgunov
Mikhail Medvedev
Mikhail Medvedev
Anatoliy Solovyov
Anatoliy Solovyov
Nikolay Grabbe
Nikolay Grabbe
Rivera's assistant on the ring (uncredited)
Sergei Troitsky
Sergei Troitsky
judge of a boxing match (uncredited)


Emil Braginskiy
Emil Braginskiy
Jack London
Jack London
Short Story
Vladimir Kaplunovskiy
Vladimir Kaplunovskiy
Sergei Poluyanov
Sergei Poluyanov
Director of Photography
Konstantin Urbetis
Konstantin Urbetis
Production Design
Mikhail Chulaki
Mikhail Chulaki
Original Music Composer
Vladimir Bogdankevich
Vladimir Bogdankevich
Tatyana Zinchuk
Tatyana Zinchuk
Konstantin Yefimov
Konstantin Yefimov
Costume Design
Nikolai Zakharov
Nikolai Zakharov
Makeup Artist
Lyudmila Ryashentseva
Lyudmila Ryashentseva
Assistant Production Design
Feliks Boguslavsky
Feliks Boguslavsky
Set Decoration
Konstantin Suponitsky
Konstantin Suponitsky
Assistant Director of Photography
Levan Paatashvili
Levan Paatashvili
Assistant Director of Photography
Mikhail Semyonov
Mikhail Semyonov
Production Design
Arnold Roitman
Arnold Roitman

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