Vladimir Bogdankevich


Iván el Terrible, segunda parte: la conjura de los boyardos
Sound Designer
Mientras Iván el Terrible intenta consolidar su poder estableciendo un ejército personal, sus rivales políticos, los boyardos rusos, se conjuran para asesinar a su zar.
The Mexican
Based on the short story by Jack London. 1910 year. Mexican patriots are preparing an uprising against the dictatorship of Diaz. Young Felipe Rivera joins the revolutionary junta, whose father and mother were shot by dictators. The hour of rebellion is near, but the heroes lack weapons. To get the necessary amount of money, Rivera decides to perform in the ring against Ward, America’s strongest boxer...
Sud chesti
Iván el Terrible
Sound Designer
Al inicio de su reinado, Iván el Terrible afronta la traición de la aristocracia e incluso de sus amigos más cercanos mientras busca unir al pueblo ruso.
Alexander Nevsky
Sound Engineer
Siglo XIII. Relato épico sobre el príncipe Alexander Nevsky, que defendió victoriosamente el norte de Rusia del ataque de los teutones: la batalla se libró sobre la superficie helada del lago Peipus. También tuvo que hacer frente a la invasión de Rusia por el ejército mongol dirigido por Gengis Khan.
The Last Night
On one of the October nights at the ball, gymnasium pupils and officers scoff at the love of Kuzma Zakharkin, the “cook's son”, to Lena, the daughter of the manufacturer. Cannon volley interrupts the fun. In the city begins the Moscow armed uprising of workers. At the center of the fate of two families is the capitalist Leontyev and the worker Zakharkin, whose sons became the organizers and participants of this uprising.