Vladimir Bogdankevich


Ivan, o Terrível - Parte II
Sound Designer
This is the second part of a projected three-part epic biopic of Russian Czar Ivan Grozny, undertaken by Soviet film-maker Sergei Eisenstein at the behest of Josef Stalin. Production of the epic was stopped before the third part could be filmed, due to producer dissatisfaction with Eisenstein's introducing forbidden experimental filming techniques into the material, more evident in this part than the first part. As it was, this second part was banned from showings until after the deaths of both Eisenstein and Stalin, and a change of attitude by the subsequent heads of the Soviet government. In this part, as Ivan the Terrible attempts to consolidate his power by establishing a personal army, his political rivals, the Russian boyars, plot to assassinate him.
The Mexican
Based on the short story by Jack London. 1910 year. Mexican patriots are preparing an uprising against the dictatorship of Diaz. Young Felipe Rivera joins the revolutionary junta, whose father and mother were shot by dictators. The hour of rebellion is near, but the heroes lack weapons. To get the necessary amount of money, Rivera decides to perform in the ring against Ward, America’s strongest boxer...
Sud chesti
Ivan, o Terrível - Parte I
Sound Designer
Durante a primeira parte do seu reinado, Ivan, o Terrível, enfrenta traição da aristocracia e até dos seus amigos mais próximos, à medida que procura unir o povo russo.
Alexandre Nevsky
Sound Engineer
A história de como um grande príncipe russo levou um exército maltrapilho para combater uma força invasora de cavaleiros teutônicos. É o século XIII, e a Rússia é tomada por invasores estrangeiros. Um knyaz' russo (um príncipe russo), Alexander Nevsky, junta o povo para formar um exército maltrapilho para combater uma invasão de cavaleiros teutônicos. Esta é uma história verdadeira baseada na batalha ocorrida num lago perto de Novgorod.
The Last Night
On one of the October nights at the ball, gymnasium pupils and officers scoff at the love of Kuzma Zakharkin, the “cook's son”, to Lena, the daughter of the manufacturer. Cannon volley interrupts the fun. In the city begins the Moscow armed uprising of workers. At the center of the fate of two families is the capitalist Leontyev and the worker Zakharkin, whose sons became the organizers and participants of this uprising.