
Finding Happiness (2014)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : Ted Nicolaou


Finding Happiness is a film that captures a joyful reality. With a unique story directly from the heart and soul of each person who has lived it. Told through the eyes of a New York investigative journalist, Finding Happiness takes us on a journey to see how people can live in harmony, collaboration, compassion, cooperation, peace and love together in a conscious community called Ananda - which means "joy".


Elisabeth Röhm
Elisabeth Röhm
Jyotish Novak
Jyotish Novak
Romina Caruana
Romina Caruana
Guest at Breakfast
Anandi Cornell
Anandi Cornell
Joseph Bharat Cornell
Joseph Bharat Cornell


Ted Nicolaou
Ted Nicolaou
Andy Strahorn
Andy Strahorn
Director of Photography
Jim Boot
Jim Boot

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