
Servant's Entrance (1932)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M

Director : Gustaf Molander


Helga Breder is a young, spoiled girl. To her beloved Jörgen she says that she, as a modern young woman, is multi-talented and can do whatever she likes. Jörgen bets that she can't work as a house-maid but, if she manages it, he will buy her a diamond ring. Helga becomes a house-maid at Vinger Mansion and falls in love with an inventor, Bertil Frigård, who lives there.


Tutta Rolf
Tutta Rolf
Helga Breder
Carl Barcklind
Carl Barcklind
Bengt Djurberg
Bengt Djurberg
Bertil Frigård
Emma Meissner
Emma Meissner
Mrs. Beck
Karin Swanström
Karin Swanström
Laura Persson, cook
Sigurd Wallén
Sigurd Wallén
Tollie Zellman
Tollie Zellman
Pontus' wife
Renée Björling
Renée Björling
Astrid Beck
Anne-Marie Brunius
Anne-Marie Brunius
Einar Fagstad
Einar Fagstad
Bengtsson, teacher
Siegfried Fischer
Siegfried Fischer
Rut Holm
Rut Holm
Olga, housemaid
Åke Ohberg
Åke Ohberg
Joergen Beckman
Mathias Taube
Mathias Taube
Hans Breder
Anna Olin
Anna Olin
Alli Halling
Alli Halling
Bengt-Olof Granberg
Bengt-Olof Granberg
Sigvard Myrén
Robert "Rulle" Bohman
Douglas Håge
Douglas Håge
Calle Flygare
Calle Flygare
Tom Walter
Tom Walter
Åke Uppström
Åke Uppström
Jullan Jonsson
Jullan Jonsson
Wiktor Andersson
Wiktor Andersson
Olof Granberg
Olof Granberg
Lars Granberg
Lars Granberg
Richard Lindström
Richard Lindström
Karin Granberg
Karin Granberg
John Ericsson
John Ericsson
Sune Holmqvist
Sune Holmqvist
Carl Andersson
Carl Andersson
Helga Brofeldt
Helga Brofeldt
Ossian Brofeldt
Ossian Brofeldt
Sven Magnusson
Sven Magnusson
Yngwe Nyquist
Yngwe Nyquist
Tor Borong
Tor Borong
Ingeborg Strandin
Ingeborg Strandin
Lilly Kjellström
Lilly Kjellström
Gunnar Skoglund
Gunnar Skoglund
Reporter (voice)


Gustaf Molander
Gustaf Molander
Sigrid Boo
Sigrid Boo
Sölve Cederstrand
Sölve Cederstrand
Manne Lundh
Manne Lundh
Makeup Artist
Gunborg Runsten
Gunborg Runsten
Makeup Artist
Rolf Husberg
Rolf Husberg
Arne Åkermark
Arne Åkermark
Art Direction
Eric Bengtson
Eric Bengtson
Original Music Composer
Åke Dahlqvist
Åke Dahlqvist
Director of Photography

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