Anijam (1984)

Género : Animación

Tiempo de ejecución : 10M

Director : Marv Newland


The bizarre adventures of the cartoon character Foska, drawn by 22 animators working in collaboration. Each animator worked on his or her own sequence only and did not know what action preceded or followed his or her sequence, except that the first drawing of a sequence is the last drawing from the previous sequence.


Mark Kausler
Mark Kausler


Marv Newland
Marv Newland
Max Bannah
Max Bannah
Brad Caslor
Brad Caslor
Anne Chevalier
Anne Chevalier
Sally Cruikshank
Sally Cruikshank
Paul Driessen
Paul Driessen
Hal Fukushima
Hal Fukushima
Kazunari Furuya
Kazunari Furuya
Zdenko Gašparović
Zdenko Gašparović
Zlatko Grgić
Zlatko Grgić
Mark Kausler
Mark Kausler
Per Lygum
Per Lygum
Guido Manuli
Guido Manuli
Wayne Morris
Wayne Morris
Dieter Mueller
Dieter Mueller
Frank Nissen
Frank Nissen
Janet Perlman
Janet Perlman
Kathy Rose
Kathy Rose
Gordon Stanfield
Gordon Stanfield
Frank Terry
Frank Terry
Kaj Pindal
Kaj Pindal
Paul Vester
Paul Vester

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