
The Gifted (2014)

Beauties & Brains and the Boy who came between.

Género : Romance, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 36M

Director : Chris Martinez
Escritor : Chris Martinez


Childhood best friend with a genius IQ become bittersweet rivals when they both fall for Mark.


Anne Curtis
Anne Curtis
Zoe Tuazon
Cristine Reyes
Cristine Reyes
Aica Tabayoyong
Sam Milby
Sam Milby
Mark Ferrer
Candy Pangilinan
Candy Pangilinan
Aica's Mother
Dominic Ochoa
Dominic Ochoa
Aica's Father
Arlene Muhlach
Arlene Muhlach
Zoe's Mother
Ricky Rivero
Ricky Rivero
Zoe's Father
Abby Bautista
Abby Bautista
Young Zoe
Raquel Villavicencio
Raquel Villavicencio
Sister Angeline
Roden Araneta
Roden Araneta
Math Teacher
Isay Alvarez
Isay Alvarez
Child Psychologist
Ana Abad-Santos
Ana Abad-Santos
Ms. Moral
Jelson Bay
Jelson Bay
Science Teacher
Ruby Rubi
Ruby Rubi
Kalila Aguilos
Kalila Aguilos
Music Teacher
Skyzx Labastilla
Skyzx Labastilla
English Teacher
Rolando Inocencio
Rolando Inocencio
Zoe's Lawyer
Sid Maderazo
Sid Maderazo
Commercial Director
Liz Uy
Liz Uy
Fashion Editor
Yam Concepcion
Yam Concepcion
Mark's Classmate
Carissa Quintas
Carissa Quintas
Ashley Rivera
Ashley Rivera
Via Antonio
Via Antonio


Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez
Teresa Barrozo
Teresa Barrozo
Gary Gardoce
Gary Gardoce
Vanessa U. De Leon
Vanessa U. De Leon
Angel Diesta
Angel Diesta
Production Design
Alex Tomboc
Alex Tomboc
Sound Designer
Lamberto Casas Jr.
Lamberto Casas Jr.
Sound Designer

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