Vegas (2009)
You don't choose your family. You choose your friends.
Género : Drama
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 50M
Director : Gunnar Vikene
You don't choose your family. You choose your friends. Vegas is the story of Thomas, Marianne and Terje - three teenagers with nowhere to go.
A teenage boy named David is afraid of being transparent. When David's best friend, Johnathan, notices his abuse at home, David must overcome his fear of rejection in order to embrace his friend's support.
Johnny, 16, is a young driver of trot race who start doubting his vocation when he realizes Coquelicot, a young horse, is in danger because he didn't prove himself.
Verano de 2007. Las historias de un grupo de adolescentes se cruzan mientras se cuece una fiesta, estallan emociones, y truena el cielo.
Ria, a seven-year-old girl growing up in a village, is led by her mother to a place where a group of women from her community await her. Here she is mutilated by an unqualified cutter, who completes the cultural FGM-ritual that ensures she will one day be taken as a wife. The child, once old enough, goes on to be forcibly married and moved away from her family to the England. Eventually, Ria seeks help in escaping the life she is trapped in, but the life of her two younger sisters hang in the balance. Can she change her elders' minds and prevent them from being led down the same path? Or will they become three more of 200 million women across the globe whose wings have been crushed by FGM?
Mariona se da cuenta de la distancia creada entre ella y sus amigas cuando van juntas de excursión a la poza que solían visitar cuando eran pequeñas.
La necesidad afectiva y el vértigo a exponerse hacen que Etna y Dario aprendan a sobrellevar la soledad.
8-year-old Aaron Averhart was just a year shy of being able to move up from Cub Scout to Boy Scout when he received a special request from an admired Boy Scout leader, William (Bill) Sheehan. As Aaron rose up the Boy Scout ranks, he slowly became aware of Sheehan’s grooming techniques and began to realize he had much more sinister intentions in store for him. If Aaron’s parents had known that since the 1920s the Boy Scouts of America had been keeping hidden files on dangerous pedophiles in their ranks while failing to warn the public, the police, the scouts, their parents, or even fully removing them from the Boy Scouts program, they would have never allowed young Aaron to be part of such a complicit and corrupt organization.
Jonathan must protect himself and his younger sister by escaping the home of their abusive father.
During tender years, a companion can guide you through awkward moments when the heart rules the head, or be a partner in crime in the face of danger. Follow these young men through the highs and lows of early learning, when all around us is new, and peer pressure is at its most pervasive. The 6 short films are: It Was Dark [Il faisait noir] (2015); Suspendu (2015); Keep Going (2016); Headbutt (2017); Out of the Blue [Ud af det blå] (2016); Mars Colony (2020).
Muththu is one of the naughtiest boys in his school and is always caught red-handed by the teachers. Things become worse when he gets arrested for bringing liquor to school. The story follows as Muththu overcomes his harsh circumstances with the help of his teacher.
Four boys survive on the seedy night streets of St Kilda’s red-light district in Australia in the 1980s. Based on true events.
Un vistazo premonitorio a la vida de una niña bajo presión de sus padres ante su comportamiento alimenticio y gustos infantiles. Haciendo a un lado las festividades familiares, sus padres se deshacen de ella por un día, dejándola al cuidado de una vecina. La niña experimentará regresiones a los sucesos que la han lastimado.
Como cada año, el colegio Los Pinos, un prestigioso colegio de tipo confesional, envía a sus alumnos de retiro al campo. Bajo la atenta mirada de maestros y sacerdotes, los niños son conducidos por el camino de su desarrollo físico y moral. A través de la mirada de varios adolescentes de clase media y alta, la película muestra cómo su crianza incide en el futuro de la sociedad.
Linda is a struggling single parent who is raising her mute daughter Annie, desperate for money, she seeks help from a shady guy she met online.
As last year's prom ended with major drama for princess Margrethe, she now has to carry the secret of what happened to her closely so as not to bring shame on the Norwegian royal family. When she hears news of the Danish royal family planning a visit, Margarethe sees this as an opportunity to finally meet prince Alexander that she's been chatting with for months. As family drama starts piling up for the Norwegian royal family, Margarethe has to find her footing not only as a strong and powerful princess, but also as a young woman in her quest for love.
Después de trasladarse a una gran mansión en Long Island, Nueva York, una familia empieza a experimentar hechos sobrenaturales. Espíritus malignos están intentando controlar la casa y deshacerse de sus habitantes. Un espíritu posee al hijo de la familia, que lo fuerza a cometer asesinatos. Sólo un cura que ejerce exorcismos puede liberarlo del demonio que lo consume, pero no antes de dar algo a cambio.
Sonia Bergerac, una profesora de un instituto conflicitivo, donde la mayoría de los estudiantes son inmigrantes árabes y negros, está desquiciada de tanto lidiar con sus irrespetuosos y agresivos alumnos. Un día, durante una clase, descubre una pistola en la mochila de un chico, la coge y, dominada por la confusión y los nervios, la usa para retener a los chicos como rehenes.
La película trata de tres jóvenes hermanos que aprenden artes marciales de su abuelo. Cada año, Samuel Jr. (Michael Treanor), Jeffrey (Max Elliott Slade) y Michael Douglas (Chad Power) visitan a su abuelo japonés, Mori Tanaka (a quien los niños cariñosamente se refieren como el abuelo), para el verano. Mori es altamente calificado en los campos de las artes marciales y Ninjutsu, y durante años ha capacitado a los niños en sus técnicas. Él es interpretado en todas las secuelas de esta película por Victor Wong. En la primera película, Mori les da a los chicos sus nuevos "nombres de ninja":
Un grupo de jóvenes se prepara para lo que va a ser el verano de su vida, entre secretos, mentiras, ligues, sexo, confusión, noche y sobre todo mucha fiesta. La mayor parte de los adolescentes no son conscientes de que, una vez emprendido ese viaje iniciático, no se puede dar marcha atrás, y que a menudo las mentiras se irán haciendo cada vez más grandes, y que a veces amar significa hacer daño.
Sur de Jutlandia, a principios de los 70. La vida no resulta fácil para Allan, de 11 años. Su padre padece "nervios psíquicos" y amenaza frecuentemente con suicidarse. Su madre ha tirado la toalla, su hermano mayor se ha ido de casa y la pequeña lechería de la familia no marcha bien. Cuando su hermana mayor deja de pasar las noches en el sofá con su padre, dependerá de Allan mantener unida a la familia.