
The Safety Curtain (1918)

Género : Romance, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 0M

Director : Sidney Franklin


Puck is a music hall dancer, married to an abusive husband. One night the music hall catches fire. Puck is rescued by an army officer and her husband perishes. Puck marries the officer and they begin a new life in India, until a man from her past finds her and makes demands.


Norma Talmadge
Norma Talmadge
Eugene O'Brien
Eugene O'Brien
Captain Merryon
Anders Randolf
Anders Randolf
Gladden James
Gladden James
Lillian Hall
Lillian Hall
Ballet Girl


Sidney Franklin
Sidney Franklin
Sidney Franklin
Sidney Franklin
Scenario Writer
Paul West
Paul West
Scenario Writer
Albert Moses
Albert Moses
Director of Photography
Edward Wynard
Edward Wynard
Director of Photography
Ethel M. Dell
Ethel M. Dell

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