
Ormayundo Ee Mukham (2014)

Género : Música, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 14M

Director : Anvar Sadik


Goutham is a young businessman who lives with his mother and grandmother. Goutham's mother Vasundara Devi is the head of their family business. Vasundara Devi is a strict mother; but grand motheris extremely friendly with Goutham. Apporva is Goutham's best pal. Then enters Nithya, a sand animation artist. Goutham meets Nithya and after a series of incidents, the couple falls in love. But Nithya, who has a memory loss problem due to a major accident,can't remember anything more than a day. This problem creates obstacles in Goutham and Nithya's relationship and this forms the crux of the story.


Vineeth Sreenivasan
Vineeth Sreenivasan
Namitha Pramod
Namitha Pramod
Aju Varghese
Aju Varghese
Vasundhara Devi
Soumya Sadanandan
Soumya Sadanandan
Gautham's grand mother
Muktha George
Muktha George
Idavela Babu
Idavela Babu
Hema's Father
Anju Aravind
Anju Aravind
Hema's Mother
John Kuruvilla
Reena Basheer
Reena Basheer
Gautham's Father
Bhagath Manuel
Bhagath Manuel


Anvar Sadik
Anvar Sadik
Shaan Rahman
Shaan Rahman
Anvar Sadik
Anvar Sadik
Jaison Elamgulam
Jaison Elamgulam

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Red Chillies
Mohanlal plays the role of OMR, an affluent NRI who does oil business in Singapore. The movie begins on a new year before when the "Red Chilles", an all-girls music band with nine members, are involved in an accident. The girls flee from the place to leave their car behind. Moreover, the girls work for OMR and it was his car they drove around. OMR is forced to come down to India. As a mystery, several other characters come into light, including a party secretary portrayed by Thilakan and four policemen played by Siddique, Vijayaraghavan, Biju Menon and Ganesh Kumar.
Varnyathil Aashanka
A group of four men plan a jewellery heist during a hartal day in Thrissur. After a drunk man unwittingly joins the group, commotion and hilarity ensues.