Moranbong (1960)
Género : Drama, Bélica
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 24M
Director : Claude-Jean Bonnardot
At the beginning of the Korean war, the love story, in a remote village, between a young worker and the daughter of a traditional musician.
Remake de la película de 1984 de John Milius que narraba cómo ocho adolescentes huían a las montañas cuando su ciudad es invadida por un grupo de nacionalistas extranjeros. Bajo el nombre del equipo de fútbol del instituto, los Wolverines, estos adolescentes libran una incesante batalla con el fin de defender a sus padres, amigos y a su propio país.
El hijo (Lee Jong-Suk) de un alto cargo de Corea del Norte es sospechoso de cometer asesinatos en serie en todo el mundo. Para detener al asesino, Corea del Sur, Corea del Norte e Interpol lo persiguen.
El verdadero crimen se encuentra con el thriller de espías mundial en este apasionante relato del asesinato de Kim Jong-nam, el medio hermano del líder norcoreano. La película sigue el juicio de las dos mujeres asesinas, investigando la pregunta: ¿fueron las mujeres asesinas entrenadas o peones inocentes de Corea del Norte?
Después de la fallida misión de espionaje de su padre, el norcoreano Myung-Hoon (Choi Seung Hyun) y su joven hermana Hye-In (Han Ye-Ri) son enviados a un campo de prisioneros como mano de obra. Con el fin de salvar la vida de su hermana, Myung-Hoon se ofrece voluntariamente para convertirse en un espía y se infiltra en el Sur como un desertor adolescente.
Basada en la webtoon "Covertness", de Hun. Tres espías de Corea del Norte viajan a Corea del Sur donde se disfrazan para no levantar sospechas, Won Ryu-Hwan como un individuo sin trabajo y torpe, Lee Hae-Jin como estudiante de secundaria y Lee Hae-Rang como aspirante a idol. Se acostumbran a la vida de pueblo y se vuelven cercanos a la espera de sus órdenes, hasta que un día, debido a un cambio repentino de poder en Corea del Norte, su misión resulta ser una orden de cometer suicidio.
Cuenta la historia de Ro Gi-Soo (Kyung-Soo Do), un soldado que se dedica al claqué que es capturado y hecho prisionero en un campamento durante la Guerra de Corea. La película se basa en el musical coreano "Rho Ki-Soo" dirigido por Kim Tae-Hyung.
Un barco estadounidense es asaltado por unos piratas en aguas del Sur de Asia, robando un cargamento de sistemas de navegación para satélites del tipo que se usan para dirigir misiles nucleares. Los Estados Unidos no pueden involucrarse en el asunto porque era una operación ilegal y altamente secreta. Cuando se descubre que los piratas eran de Corea del Norte, se decide enviar a un agente especial de Corea del Sur para que recupere el sistema de navegación. Pero el tiempo corre en su contra ya que hay dos tifones acercándose a la zona.
La película es un retrato de la vida diaria de los ciudadanos de Corea del Norte. Uno de sus pasajes se basa en la historia real de unos refugiados norcoreanos que intentaron ocultarse en la embajada alemana en Pekín en 2002. Cha interpreta el papel de un padre que debe abandonar Corea del Norte para conseguir medicinas y alimentos para su familia. Su hijo de once años realizará un viaje de 8000 kilómetros para seguir su pista tras la demora en su regreso.
Two friends accidentally drift from North Korea into South Korea after falling asleep during a fishing trip. Broke and unable to get home, they enter a singing contest whose grand prize is a trip to North Korea!
After learning that his grandfather is alive and living in Seoul, a North Korean musician must leave his fiancee behind and accompany his family to South Korea.
If the cityscapes and patriotic anthems of this film seem a far cry from the bleak landscape of Seoul Train, that's no accident. Dutch filmmaker Pieter Fleury, with the full permission and cooperation of the North Korean government, created this propaganda film that gives us a glimpse of a day in the life of one of the world's most enigmatic societies. A Day in the Life, largely dictated by the North Korean film bureau, follows a typical North Korean family through their daily duties, largely dedicated to the pride in the North Korean nation of comrades and the glory of General Kim Jong Il. The film is meant to extol the success of modern North Korea. But does it? With straight footage and a total absence of narration, viewers may interpret Fleury's film in a slightly different manner than intended
This atmospheric French independent film tells the story of a man who has traveled nearly 10,000 miles to find the woman he can’t forget.
A revolutionary film about the cinematic genius of North Korea's late Dear Leader Kim Jung-IL, with a groundbreaking experiment at its heart - a propaganda film, made according to the rules of his 1987 manifesto. Through the shared love of cinema, AIM HIGH IN CREATION! forges an astonishing new bond between the hidden filmmakers of North Korea and their Free World collaborators. Revealing an unexpected truth about the most isolated nation on earth: filmmakers, no matter where they live, are family.
A North Korean coal miner struggles to realize her dream of becoming a circus acrobat.
Sol Ok is in love with Chol Young. when they ask for his parents' acceptance for their upcoming marriage, she is denied by Chol Young's sports obsessed family for being a mere musician. Can she learn the DPRK state sport of basketball, and win over his family?
Chang-ho, 12, becomes friend with a North-Korean immigrant about the same age who just crossed the Dooman river, border between North-Korea and China. His mute sister and his wise grand-father will get along with him in a series of misfortunes.
In a small North Korean village near the border of China, there are believers who get together in an underground church, away from the eyes of the persecuting government. When the missionary from China, their only support route, is cut off, things begin to get very tense. Chulho, who had been arrested along with his wife, returns. After losing his wife in the interrogations, Chulho had been released and unseen for 2 years before coming back to his home, claiming that he had been commanded by God to lead the believers across the border and into South Korea. The brothers wonder if Chulho is trustworthy, and whether it is the right thing to do to leave their homeland.
Portrait of Mrs. B., a tough charismatic North Korean woman who smuggles between North Korea, China and South Korea. With the money she gets, she plans to reunite with her two North Korean sons after years of separation.
Set in 1951 at the height of the Korean War it tells the story of a group of soldiers who are being replaced in the front line after serving their rotation. But on the way home they find enemy troops are about to make a breakthrough and it is up to them to pull together to save the country.