
Of Girls and Horses (2014)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 22M

Director : Monika Treut


Alex is 16, a misfit, a drop-out, a failure. She uses drugs; she cuts herself. She has been sent by her despairing adoptive mother to a farm in northern Germany. At first, Alex hates this remote place and the demanding job of looking after the horses. But under the tutelage of Nina, a 30-something taking a break from city life and her partner, Christine, Alex gradually comes to form a bond with the animals in her charge. Then Kathy arrives at the farm to take a holiday, bringing her own, beautiful horse with her. Alex takes an instant dislike to this privileged newcomer. Slowly, though, the barriers between the two are broken down and Kathy finds herself smitten by the streetwise and energetic Alex. The pair starts horsing around, larking about on the mudflats, until one weekend, when they’re alone at the farm, things spiral out of control.


Ceci Chuh
Ceci Chuh
Alissa Wilms
Alissa Wilms
Vanida Karun
Vanida Karun
Ellen Grell
Ellen Grell
Christoph Mulai
Christoph Mulai


Monika Treut
Monika Treut
Monika Treut
Monika Treut
Masha Qrella
Masha Qrella
Birgit Möller
Birgit Möller
Madeleine Dewald
Madeleine Dewald

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Tras la caída del muro de Berlín, dos mujeres llegan a la ciudad para encontrar su pasado. (FILMAFFINITY)