
When Children Play in the Sky (2006)

When Children Play in the Sky

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 46M

Director : Lorenzo Hendel


The film succeeds in communicating the intriguingly spiritual dimension of human life that transcends religious


Angjiuk Jonathansen Bianco
Angjiuk Jonathansen Bianco
Julian Ferro
Julian Ferro
Joi Johannsson
Joi Johannsson


Lorenzo Hendel
Lorenzo Hendel
Lorenzo Hendel
Lorenzo Hendel
Silvia Innocenzi
Silvia Innocenzi
Becky Thomson
Becky Thomson
Marco Saitta
Marco Saitta
Sound Mixer
Frederic Fasano
Frederic Fasano
Director of Photography
Anna Rosa Napoli
Anna Rosa Napoli

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