The Primary Instinct (2015)

Género : Drama, Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 13M

Director : David Chen


Actor Stephen Tobolowsky has acted in over 200 TV shows and films over the past 40 years, possessing one of the most dazzlingly diverse filmographies on the planet. But even more compelling than the stories he's been apart of onscreen are those he tells offscreen. In 'The Primary Instinct,' Stephen plays himself and uses the art of storytelling to take the audience through a riveting and moving journey about life, love, and Hollywood. Along the way, he just may answer one of the questions that's dogged humanity since the beginning of time: Why do we tell stories in the first place?


Stephen Tobolowsky
Stephen Tobolowsky


David Chen
David Chen
Stephen Tobolowsky
Stephen Tobolowsky
Joel Clare
Joel Clare
Technical Supervisor
Jason Hakala
Jason Hakala
Blaine Ludy
Blaine Ludy
Jason Hakala
Jason Hakala
Director of Photography
Salil Jain
Salil Jain
Associate Producer
Quang Dinh
Quang Dinh
Associate Producer
Carl Ng
Carl Ng
Associate Producer
David Chen
David Chen
Executive Producer
Michael Gaston
Michael Gaston
Michael Gaston
Michael Gaston
Executive Producer
Jason Hakala
Jason Hakala
Blaine Ludy
Blaine Ludy
Peter Sciretta
Peter Sciretta
Associate Producer
Matt Swanson
Matt Swanson
Stephen Tobolowsky
Stephen Tobolowsky
Executive Producer

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