
Black Widow Murders: The Blanche Taylor Moore Story (1993)

She was a loving wife, a passionate lover, and a trusted friend.

Género : Película de TV, Drama, Crimen, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 32M

Director : Alan Metzger


Elizabeth Montgomery plays serial killer, churchgoer, and grandmother Blanch Taylor Moore in this, one of her last films before her untimely passing. Childhood memories of her womanizing and abusive father fill Moore with a hidden rage towards all men. Her former boyfriend, first husband and father all died of arsenic poisoning. Now her fiancé, the town's minister, is stricken the same way. Based on the true crime book Preacher's Girl: The Life and Crimes of Blanche Taylor Moore, the film is buoyed by Montgomery's startling performance, and keeps you on the edge of your seat until its final moments.


Elizabeth Montgomery
Elizabeth Montgomery
Blanche Taylor Moore
David Clennon
David Clennon
Dwight Moore
John M. Jackson
John M. Jackson
Raymond Reid
Grace Zabriskie
Grace Zabriskie
Bruce McGill
Bruce McGill
Mark Rolston
Mark Rolston
Guy Boyd
Guy Boyd
Kevin Denton
John Philbin
John Philbin
Ray Jr.
Phoebe Augustine
Phoebe Augustine
Matt Ryan
Matt Ryan
Katy Boyer
Katy Boyer
Tom Wood
Tom Wood
Doug, Dwight's Son
Stephen Root
Stephen Root
Dr. Kirby


Alan Metzger
Alan Metzger
Judith Paige Mitchell
Judith Paige Mitchell
Sheldon Pinchuk
Sheldon Pinchuk
Patricia Finnegan
Patricia Finnegan
Judith Paige Mitchell
Judith Paige Mitchell
Executive Producer
Andrea Baynes
Andrea Baynes
Executive Producer
David Michael Frank
David Michael Frank
Geoffrey Erb
Geoffrey Erb
Seth Flaum
Seth Flaum

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