
Taureau (1973)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 38M

Director : Clément Perron


A family that does not conform to the social norms of a small village must suffer the intolerance of the other villagers when the mentally-challenged son falls in love with the schoolteacher.


Monique Lepage
Monique Lepage
La Gilbert
André Melançon
André Melançon
Michèle Magny
Michèle Magny
Denise Beaudoin
Louise Portal
Louise Portal
Gigi Gilbert
Marcel Sabourin
Marcel Sabourin
Serge Beaudoin
Amulette Garneau
Amulette Garneau
Mme Beaudoin
Béatrice Picard
Béatrice Picard
Mme Larivee
Yvon Thiboutot
Yvon Thiboutot
Denis Corriveau
André Cartier
André Cartier
Yvan Canuel
Yvan Canuel
Henri Larivee
Jacques Bilodeau
Jacques Bilodeau
Marguerite Lemir
Marguerite Lemir
Denis Drouin
Denis Drouin
Anne Létourneau
Anne Létourneau
Marthe Mercure
Marthe Mercure
Edgar Fruitier
Edgar Fruitier
Bonfield Marcoux
Bonfield Marcoux
Pat Gagnon
Pat Gagnon


Clément Perron
Clément Perron
Clément Perron
Clément Perron
Marc Beaudet
Marc Beaudet
Jean Cousineau
Jean Cousineau
Pierre Lemelin
Pierre Lemelin
Vianney Gauthier
Vianney Gauthier
Set Decoration
Claude Gagnon-Choquette
Claude Gagnon-Choquette
Costume Design
Julio Piedra
Julio Piedra
Makeup Artist
Robert Blondin
Robert Blondin
Assistant Director
Patrick Rousseau
Patrick Rousseau
Boom Operator
Georges Dufaux
Georges Dufaux
Director of Photography

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