Hans, Life Before Death (1983)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 35M

Director : Louis van Gasteren


Hans: Het Leven voor de dood (Hans, Life Before Death) is a documentary feature film about the life of the young composer Hans van Sweeden (1939-1963) and those who knew him intimately. The film is about the harrowing life of the musician, poet and actor Hans van Sweeden (1939-1963), who ended his life at the age of 24. Simultaneously, the film offers a poignant portrait of his contemporaries in the turbulent fifties and sixties and the children of the Nazis. It won the Golden Calf for Best Feature Film in 1983. Award of the Dutch film critics, 1983; the Belgian film critics Award, 1984; Best Dutch Documentary 1980-1990. (Wikipedia)


Jan Cremer
Jan Cremer
Willem Nijholt
Willem Nijholt
Hans van Sweeden
Hans van Sweeden


Louis van Gasteren
Louis van Gasteren
Brian Eno
Brian Eno
Misha Mengelberg
Misha Mengelberg
Hans van Sweeden
Hans van Sweeden

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End after 9
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Early Amateur Sound Film
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A Drunkard's Reformation
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