Haven't I Told You (1984)

Género : Drama, Historia, Bélica

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : Stevo Crvenkovski


Based on real events in Macedonia during the Ottoman era. The plot revolves around a number of Macedonian revolutionaries battling against a large Ottoman-Turkish Army.


Risto Šiškov
Risto Šiškov
Petre Arsovski
Petre Arsovski
Blagoja Spirkovski-Džumerko
Blagoja Spirkovski-Džumerko
Nikola 'Kole' Angelovski
Nikola 'Kole' Angelovski
Gjorgji Kolozov
Gjorgji Kolozov


Stevo Crvenkovski
Stevo Crvenkovski
Rusomir Bogdanovski
Rusomir Bogdanovski

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