Baby Ghana (1957)
Género :
Tiempo de ejecución : 12M
Director : Jean Rouch
Shows independence festivities in Ghana, formerly the Gold Coast, which on 6th March had become the first African colony to gain independence.
Charlie Davis es un chico de familia humilde que aspira a conseguir la fama en el mundo del boxeo. Aunque su madre y su novia desaprueban su decisión, Charlie se asocia con Robert, un promotor de combates de boxeo, y va perdiendo los escrúpulos poco a poco, llegando a dejarse vencer en un combate amañado.
Rain rituals with possession dances among the Songhay and Zarma of Simiri, Zermaganda, Niger. Dry Season: The village of Simiri; water carriers, the rainbow tree. Possession of the faithful making their way to the spirits' hut on the seventh day of the seventh month of the dry season. All of the inhabitants of the village go to the spirits' hut to celebrate the Yenendi, the festival of the rain. Preparation by the musicians: under the shelter, gourd drummers. The chief of the village, old Wadi Sorko, prepares his violin. Dance of the "spirit" horse (possession dance).
Leonora Eames ve colmada su ambición cuando se casa con el multimillonario Smith Ohlrig, un hombre enfermo, neurótico y autoritario. Pero el matrimonio fracasa, y la joven decide separarse. A continuación, encuentra trabajo como secretaria de un médico idealista y con una gran vocación. El marido, sin embargo, no está dispuesto a renunciar a su mujer y trata por todos los medios de mantener su dominio sobre ella.
Una telefonista (Anne Baxter) se emborracha y se levanta a la mañana siguiente acusada de haber asesinado a un hombre. Un periodista (Richard Conte) que está enamorado de ella intentará descubrir al verdadero asesino.
Breer's earliest experiments in animation are wonderfully dense yet lyrical abstractions based on Breer's own geometric paintings. - Harvard Film Archive
The film is just this kind wandering through the personal ways and whys of different kinds of pain in different kinds of people. The film searches through the many levels of pain and finds it in its unique position between disaster and pleasure. Pain is..thus plunges us instantly into the midst of controversy and the unknown.
A live action footage of a smiling, bespectacled (presumably) Western tourist set against the familiar cadence of an accelerating train revving up as it leaves the station sets the mesmerizing tone for the film's abstract panoramic survey of an Ozu-esque Japanese landscape of electrical power lines, passing trains, railroad tracks, and the gentle slope of obliquely peaked, uniform rooflines as Breer distills the essential geometry of Mount Fuji into a collage of acute angles and converging (and bifurcating) lines .
A high school student falls asleep while sitting in class. When he wakes up, all time is frozen, except for him.
Cuando 2 detectives roban $ 80,000 a un ladrón muerto, uno de ellos sufre de conciencia culpable que podría conducir a un asesinato
A sculptor is traumatized by the death of his wife in a car accident. He builds a sculpture in her memory. As the lifelike sculpture begins to bleed through the cracks of clay, the sculptor's flesh mutates and crumbles away...
Dah and Jocelyn come from Benin, Africa, to coach their rooster, "S'en fout la mort", for an illicit cock-fight in the basement of a restaurant.
When the others leave for the night, the last mortician begins to fondle the corpses. He quickly moves to the corpse of a young woman who died in a car crash.
Claude (Vince Edwards) es un despiadado y eficiente asesino a sueldo hasta que descubre que su próximo objetivo es una mujer...
"Made with spray paint and hand-cut stencils, this film was an attempt at maximum plastic intensity… Places Breer for the first time among the major colorists of the avant-garde." – P. Adams Sitney
The Wake is the title of a large-scale multimedia project, the main element of which is an eight-hour long silent movie. The film is based on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce (London 1939), a limit-transgressing, perhaps even limit-dissolving book that not only transgresses the limits of what literature is and is capable of, but inscribes transgressions on almost all conceivable levels. It is at the same time dream book, history book and necrology. It is almost impossible to determine whether we are dealing with a long poem, a prose narrative or a piece of drama.
A barber shop owner wins a sweepstake. He remodels his shop and hires Claude Hopkins and his orchestra to play for his customers. Two songs are sung, and the Four Step Brothers tap dance in the closing number.
While birds can be heard singing a shrill song, lines crisscross wildly as if they aimed to form shapes. Their efforts seem hopeless until the very end ,,,
"Swing cat" Louis Prima and his jazz quartette play songs and accompany featured singers and dancers.
This Warner Bros. short reviews in an often humorous way the impact of the automobile on the United States. By 1900, the horseless carriage was beginning to have an impact. Early adopters were often the object of attention by large curious crowds. There were many car manufacturers and the quality of their product varied considerably. Traffic jams, pollution and automobile racing were only a few of the outcomes.
Johnny Ingram (Harry Belafonte), un cantante negro lleno de deudas debido a su compulsiva afición a las apuestas, Earl Slater (Robert Ryan), un ex presidiario racista que vive a costa de una mujer, y Dave Burke (Ed Begley), un ex policía corrupto y jugador, se unen para atracar un banco de Nueva York. Aunque el plan parece perfecto, pronto surgen entre ellos tensiones que pueden hacerlo fracasar.