
Must Date the Playboy (2015)

Género : Comedia, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 6M

Director : Mae Cruz-Alviar


A woman asks her best friend to date her playboy ex-boyfriend to save her current relationship.


Kim Chiu
Kim Chiu
Victoria "Tori / Bicay" Alcantara
Xian Lim
Xian Lim
Zachary "Zach" Andres
Jessy Mendiola
Jessy Mendiola
Chloe Santillan
Matt Evans
Matt Evans
Nathan Ocampo
Irma Adlawan
Irma Adlawan
Nora Alcantara
Jim Paredes
Jim Paredes
Anoy Andres
Dimples Romana
Dimples Romana
Andrea Andres
Erika Padilla
Erika Padilla


Mae Cruz-Alviar
Mae Cruz-Alviar
Charo Santos-Concio
Charo Santos-Concio
Executive Producer
Carlo Katigbak
Carlo Katigbak
Nandy Villar
Nandy Villar
Mario Arbizo
Mario Arbizo
Yog Diores Macan
Yog Diores Macan
Yog Diores Macan
Yog Diores Macan
Anna Karenina Ramos
Anna Karenina Ramos
Roumella Nina Monge-Narciso
Roumella Nina Monge-Narciso

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