
Fox Hunting (1980)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 39M

Director : Mircea Daneliuc


A Romanian village in the 50s. Năiţă Lucean, a cunning and stubborn peasant, opposes the collectivization process using all possible artifice. He instinctively feels that signing his land and cattle over to the state can only bring bad times for him. His only certainty is the ownership of this insufficient and barren plot of land. Although he strongly opposes it, the idea of the collective good is forcibly enforced.


Mitică Popescu
Mitică Popescu
Mircea Diaconu
Mircea Diaconu
Pătru cel scurt
Valeria Seciu
Valeria Seciu
Zaharia Volbea
Zaharia Volbea
Aristide Teică
Aristide Teică
Gheorghe Cozorici
Gheorghe Cozorici
Dumitru Dumitru
Sofia Vicoveanca
Sofia Vicoveanca
nevasta lui Patru
Constantin Sava
Constantin Sava
Simion Popescu
Andrei Codarcea
Andrei Codarcea
Gheorghe Otát
Bob Călinescu
Bob Călinescu
Adrian Georgescu
Adrian Georgescu
Nicolae Nicolaescu
Nicolae Nicolaescu
mosul din Sacot
Flavius Constantinescu
Flavius Constantinescu
Nicu lui Nae
Doru Ana
Doru Ana
Romeo Barbosu
Romeo Barbosu


Mircea Daneliuc
Mircea Daneliuc
Mircea Daneliuc
Mircea Daneliuc
Dinu Saranu
Dinu Saranu

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