
Fade to Winter (2015)

Género : Acción, Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 58M


Times change, just as each season gives way to the next. For passionate skiers around the globe, however, the time of year can never undermine the enthusiasm for their next great day on snow. Regardless of weather, conditions, or the effort required to get there, “a bad day of skiing still beats a good day at work.” As summer eases into fall and fall eventually fades to winter, dreams of skiing occupy our minds and we focus all of our energy on returning to the mountains. MSP Films, the production powerhouse behind MCCONKEY and DAYS OF MY YOUTH, is proud to present FADE TO WINTER. Featuring jaw-dropping action from Alaska, Iceland, British Columbia, Japan, Colorado, Italy, and New England, this film captures the spirit of nine skiers who go to great lengths for the sport that they love. Starring Markus Eder, Bobby Brown, Michelle Parker, Mark Abma, Tanner Rainville, Aaron Blunck, James Heim, Sean Jordan, PK Hunder, and others.


Bobby Brown
Bobby Brown
Mark Abma
Mark Abma
Tanner Rainville
Tanner Rainville
James Heim
James Heim
Sean Jordan
Sean Jordan
Alex Schlopy
Alex Schlopy


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