
The New Option: The Syndicate (2003)

Género : Acción, Crimen

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Clarence Yiu-leung Fok
Escritor : Bat Si Neui Yan


Ninth film in the series titled The New Option, it once again stars Michael Wong as Stone Wong, an SDU captain who's a damn man at his job. Stone is a no-nonsense SDU trainer who must initiate young studs into their SDU world.


Michael Wong Man-Tak
Michael Wong Man-Tak
Suki Kwan
Suki Kwan
Raymond Wong Ho-yin
Raymond Wong Ho-yin
Wong Tin-lam
Wong Tin-lam
Benny Lai Chun
Benny Lai Chun


Clarence Yiu-leung Fok
Clarence Yiu-leung Fok
Bat Si Neui Yan
Bat Si Neui Yan

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