
Thunder Road (2016)

Género : Drama, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 13M

Director : Jim Cummings


Jimmy Arnaud eulogizes his mother.


Jim Cummings
Jim Cummings
James Arnaud
Kitty Barshay
Kitty Barshay
Funeral Director
Francesca I. Biasiolo
Francesca I. Biasiolo
Melissa Papel
Melissa Papel
William "Will" Daubert
Police Chief
Mike Monosky
Mike Monosky
Police Officer
India'yolanda Collins
India'yolanda Collins
Funeral Attendent
Ray Fischer
Ray Fischer
Funeral Attendent
Barbara Garabedian
Barbara Garabedian
Funeral Attendent
Alfred Gilliam
Alfred Gilliam
Funeral Attendent
Annette Goodman
Annette Goodman
Funeral Attendent
Evander Goodman
Evander Goodman
Young Boy
Jessica Goodman
Jessica Goodman
Funeral Attendent
Jensi Hansen
Jensi Hansen
Police Officer
Lorraine Kreuz
Lorraine Kreuz
Funeral Attendent
Danice Page
Danice Page
Funeral Attendent
Nancy Jo Perdue
Nancy Jo Perdue
Funeral Attendent
Catherine Pictaggi-Tiesi
Catherine Pictaggi-Tiesi
Funeral Attendent
Patrick Poppy Reed
Patrick Poppy Reed
Funeral Attendent
John Rodiger
John Rodiger
Funeral Attendent
Corinne Rogan
Corinne Rogan
Funeral Attendent
Cynthia Roman
Cynthia Roman
Funeral Attendent
Kimberly Ryans
Kimberly Ryans
Funeral Attendant
Carla Short
Carla Short
Funeral Attendent
Palm Sirichanya
Palm Sirichanya
Funeral Attendent
Joseph Valentinetti
Joseph Valentinetti
Funeral Attendent


Jim Cummings
Jim Cummings
Jim Cummings
Jim Cummings
Jim Cummings
Jim Cummings
Drew Daniels
Drew Daniels
Director of Photography
Benjamin Wiessner
Benjamin Wiessner
J.P. Castel
J.P. Castel
Jennifer Fink
Jennifer Fink
Mark Vashro
Mark Vashro
Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen
Trey Edward Shults
Trey Edward Shults
Danny Madden
Danny Madden
Sound Designer
Anthony Massung
Anthony Massung
Sound Recordist
Father Andrew
Father Andrew

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