Pictured (2014)

Género : Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 3M

Director : David F. Sandberg, Lotta Losten


A creepy picture plays with the fear of a woman. Maybe, there is a connection between the girl in the picture and the woman who tries to find out the secret behind the glass.


Lotta Losten
Lotta Losten
Hanna Johansson
Hanna Johansson


David F. Sandberg
David F. Sandberg
David F. Sandberg
David F. Sandberg
Lotta Losten
Lotta Losten
David F. Sandberg
David F. Sandberg
Lotta Losten
Lotta Losten
David F. Sandberg
David F. Sandberg
Lotta Losten
Lotta Losten

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