The Moth of Moonbi (1926)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 33M

Director : Charles Chauvel
Escritor : Charles Chauvel


Charles Chauvel's first feature tells the story of a country girl, Dell Ferris (the Moth of Moonbi), drawn to the bright lights of the big city where her inheritance is soon frittered away with high society revelling. A wiser Dell returns to Moonbi Station where she is beset by the cattle rustler Jack Bronson, but finally finds peace and happiness with the faithful head stockman, Tom. Only part of the film survives to this day.


Doris Ashwin
Doris Ashwin
Dell Ferris
Colleen Richards
Colleen Richards
Margery Daw
Darla Townend
Darla Townend
(Young) Dell Ferris
Michael Dwyer
Michael Dwyer
Rodger Down
Marsden Hassall
Marsden Hassall
Tom Resoult
Charles O'Mara
Charles O'Mara
Billie Stokes
Billie Stokes
Charles Chauvel
Charles Chauvel
Aboriginal Stockman


Charles Chauvel
Charles Chauvel
Charles Chauvel
Charles Chauvel
Mabel Forrest
Mabel Forrest
Al Burne
Al Burne
Edward Lyon
Edward Lyon
Assistant Director

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