
Madison (2001)

A town's future is riding with one man.

Género : Aventura, Acción, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 39M

Director : William Bindley


Historia de un hombre que insufló de esperanza a su pequeño pueblo cuando compitió con su embarcación en una competición de lanchas.


Jim Caviezel
Jim Caviezel
Jim McCormick
Jake Lloyd
Jake Lloyd
Mike McCormick
Mary McCormack
Mary McCormack
Bonnie McCormick
Bruce Dern
Bruce Dern
Harry Volpi
Paul Dooley
Paul Dooley
Mayor Don Vaughn
Brent Briscoe
Brent Briscoe
Tony Steinhardt
Mark Fauser
Mark Fauser
Matt Letscher
Matt Letscher
Reed Diamond
Reed Diamond
Skip Naughton
Chelcie Ross
Chelcie Ross
Roger Epperson
John Mellencamp
John Mellencamp
Adult Mike McCormick (voice)
Brie Larson
Brie Larson
Racing Girl #2
Corey Large
Corey Large
Johnson (uncredited)
Richard Lee Jackson
Richard Lee Jackson
Buddy Johnson


William Bindley
William Bindley
William Hoy
William Hoy
William Bindley
William Bindley
Scott Bindley
Scott Bindley
Carl Amari
Carl Amari
Executive Producer
Chris Dennis
Chris Dennis
Executive Producer
Len Foley
Len Foley
Co-Executive Producer
Roy Millonzi
Roy Millonzi
Executive Producer
Beau Nortel
Beau Nortel
Steve Salutric
Steve Salutric
Executive Producer
Martin Wiley
Martin Wiley
Kevin Kiner
Kevin Kiner
Original Music Composer
James Glennon
James Glennon
Director of Photography
Deborah Raymond
Deborah Raymond
Production Design
Dorian Vernacchio
Dorian Vernacchio
Production Design
Tim Cohn
Tim Cohn
Art Direction
Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson
Costume Design
R.J. McCasland
R.J. McCasland
Makeup Artist
Janette Nielsen
Janette Nielsen
Makeup Artist
Suzi Ostos
Suzi Ostos
Makeup Artist
Anne Taylor
Anne Taylor
Richard Wetzel
Richard Wetzel
Makeup Artist
Terry Rodman
Terry Rodman
Sound Re-Recording Mixer

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