
Snow (2014)

Género : Familia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Mehdi Rahmani


It is a crucial day in the home of the once affluent and respected, but now penniless, Vaziri family: they have to ward off debt collectors, delay foreclosure on their stately house, keep the lid tight on scandalous secrets, and hold on to the reputable image for long enough to honorably receive the long-awaited, moneyed suitor of their only daughter.


Roya Taymourian
Roya Taymourian
Afshin Hashemi
Afshin Hashemi
Mohammad Reza Ghaffari
Mohammad Reza Ghaffari
Anahita Afshar
Anahita Afshar
Milad Keymaram
Milad Keymaram
Rabe'e Madani
Rabe'e Madani
Mina Sadati
Mina Sadati
Shirin Yazdanbakhsh
Shirin Yazdanbakhsh
Khanom Ghiasi


Hossein Mahkam
Hossein Mahkam
Amin Ja’fari
Amin Ja’fari
Hassan Hassandoust
Hassan Hassandoust
Mehdi Rahmani
Mehdi Rahmani
Mehdi Rahmani
Mehdi Rahmani

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