
In Old New Mexico (1945)

A Man Hunt...for Lovely Ladies!

Género : Western

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 2M

Director : Phil Rosen
Escritor : Betty Burbridge


Gallant Cisco "kidnaps" murder suspect Ellen from the authorities, then sets about to prove her innocence, all with the cooperation of a sympathetic sheriff.


Duncan Renaldo
Duncan Renaldo
Cisco Kid
Martín Garralaga
Martín Garralaga
Gwen Kenyon
Gwen Kenyon
Ellen Roth
Pedro de Cordoba
Pedro de Cordoba
Father Angelo
Aurora Roche
Aurora Roche
Lee 'Lasses' White
Lee 'Lasses' White
Clem Petty
Norman Willis
Norman Willis
Will Hastings
Edward Earle
Edward Earle
The Printer
Dona Dax
Dona Dax
John Laurenz
John Laurenz
Al Brady
Dick Gordon
Dick Gordon
Doc Wills
Frank Jaquet
Frank Jaquet
Fat Stage Passenger
Jim Farley
Jim Farley


Phil Rosen
Phil Rosen
Betty Burbridge
Betty Burbridge
O. Henry
O. Henry

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