
Shell (1990)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 31M

Director : Igor Alimpiyev


Existential drama taking place in the midst of Perestroika.


Pyotr Kozhevnikov
Pyotr Kozhevnikov
Vera Ulik
Vera Ulik
Yuriy Stoyanov
Yuriy Stoyanov
Olga Samoshina
Olga Samoshina
Aleksandr Sporykhin
Aleksandr Sporykhin
Sergei Erdenko
Sergei Erdenko
Viktor Semyonovskiy
Viktor Semyonovskiy
Vladimir Ermilov
Vladimir Ermilov
Sergei Dobrotvorsky
Sergei Dobrotvorsky


Igor Alimpiyev
Igor Alimpiyev
Igor Alimpiyev
Igor Alimpiyev
Pyotr Kozhevnikov
Pyotr Kozhevnikov
Vladimir Ilyin
Vladimir Ilyin
Director of Photography

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