
Maalik (2016)

Género : Acción, Drama, Crimen, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 35M

Director : Ashir Azeem


A man of Pakistan's Elite Special Forces whose life gets entangled with Politics. They soon realize that serving the nation is more complicated than simple following of orders.


Ashir Azeem
Ashir Azeem
Major Asad
Farhan Ally Agha
Farhan Ally Agha
Major Haider
Sajid Hasan
Sajid Hasan
Gen. Amjad
Hassan Niazi
Hassan Niazi
Saeen/ Chief Minister
Adnan Shah Tipu
Adnan Shah Tipu
Rashid Farooqi
Rashid Farooqi
Mohammed Ehteshamuddin
Mohammed Ehteshamuddin
Master Mohsin
Tatmain ul Qalb
Tatmain ul Qalb
Abdul Aziz Jamal
Abdul Aziz Jamal
Chief Minister's Assistant
Nosher Samuel
Nosher Samuel
Shakeel Hussain Khan
Shakeel Hussain Khan
Kashif Hashmi
Kashif Hashmi
Rodney Perrera
Rodney Perrera
Faisal Jamshed
Owais Sheikh
Owais Sheikh
Shamsher Singh
Imran Mir
Imran Mir
Sheikh Altaf
Faizan Shaikh
Faizan Shaikh
Bushra Ashir Azeem
Bushra Ashir Azeem
Lubna Aslam
Lubna Aslam
Erum Azam
Erum Azam
Mariam Ansari
Mariam Ansari
Syed Kumail Raza
Syed Kumail Raza
Sabreen Baloch
Sabreen Baloch
Kaleem Achakzai
Kaleem Achakzai
Nazeer Durrani
Nazeer Durrani
Pakiza Khan
Pakiza Khan
Naeema Garaj
Naeema Garaj
Basit Faryad
Basit Faryad


Ashir Azeem
Ashir Azeem
Ashir Azeem
Ashir Azeem
Bushra Ashir Azeem
Bushra Ashir Azeem
Executive Producer
Syed Anwar Shah
Syed Anwar Shah
Line Producer
Sahir Ali Bagga
Sahir Ali Bagga
Imran Ali
Imran Ali
Rizwan A.Q.
Rizwan A.Q.
Supervising Editor
Umair Shahid
Umair Shahid
Supervising Editor
Bushra Ashir Azeem
Bushra Ashir Azeem
Umer Qazi
Umer Qazi
Art Direction
Naveed Sabir
Naveed Sabir
Art Direction
Hasina Kahnani
Hasina Kahnani
Costume Design
Costume Design
Sidra Jameel
Sidra Jameel
Second Assistant Director
Sami Ur Rehman
Sami Ur Rehman
First Assistant Director
Faizan Wadera
Faizan Wadera
Third Assistant Director
Qasim Raza Azhar
Qasim Raza Azhar
Sound Recordist
Qasim Raza Azhar
Qasim Raza Azhar
ADR Editor
Kashif Ejaz
Kashif Ejaz
Sound Designer
Syed Mujtaba Ali
Syed Mujtaba Ali
Visual Effects Producer
Iqbal Mohiuddin
Iqbal Mohiuddin
Masuma Anwar
Masuma Anwar
Playback Singer
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Playback Singer
Sahir Ali Bagga
Sahir Ali Bagga
Playback Singer
Imran Raza
Imran Raza

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