
Cross the River (1988)

Género : Acción

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 18M

Director : Chang Cheh


In the mid-30s, Kuomintang Sichuan rhubarb Division Commander Liu Shaoji colludes with Japanese invaders. He sends the cloud boat's beauty to the Si-chuan Opera. The Si-chuan opera entertainer steps forward in sharp opposition with warlord's wicked running dogs. Mu Xiaolou sacrifices himself up to take the righteous path and confronts the Japanese invaders.


Chui Siu-Kin
Chui Siu-Kin
Ku Wing-Chuen
Ku Wing-Chuen
Do Yuming
Do Yuming
Chan Yee-Gong
Chan Yee-Gong
Muk Lap-San
Muk Lap-San
Dung Chi-Wa
Dung Chi-Wa


Chang Cheh
Chang Cheh
Chang Cheh
Chang Cheh

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