
Paperland: The Bureaucrat Observed (1979)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 57M

Director : Donald Brittain


Bureaucracy shapes our lives and guides us from the cradle to the grave. This documentary lays bare the idiosyncrasies of bureaucracy, whether in Canada, Austria, Hungary, the Vatican or the Virgin Islands. It also attempts to make the functioning of the public service more comprehensible. The absurdities of bureaucratic behaviour are exposed with humour and irreverence.


Donald Brittain
Donald Brittain


Donald Brittain
Donald Brittain
Donald Brittain
Donald Brittain
Ronald Blumer
Ronald Blumer
John T. Random
John T. Random
Donald Brittain
Donald Brittain
Marrin Canell
Marrin Canell
Barrie Howells
Barrie Howells
Executive Producer
Paul Wright
Paul Wright
Executive Producer
Richard Todd
Richard Todd
Barry Perles
Barry Perles
Director of Photography
Douglas Kiefer
Douglas Kiefer
Director of Photography
Hans Oomes
Hans Oomes
Bernard Bordeleau
Bernard Bordeleau
Sound Editor
Hans Peter Strobl
Hans Peter Strobl
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Adrian Croll
Adrian Croll
Sound Re-Recording Mixer

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