
A Woman in a Whirlpool (1985)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 23M

Director : Dharmasiri Bandaranayake


Set in the dry zone of Sri Lanka, Suddi is married to a notorious criminal in the village, Romiel. Convicted for a murder Romiel is jailed. Miserable Suddhi has to depend on Sirimewan Mudalalie, a shrewd businessman from town.


Swarna Mallawarachchi
Swarna Mallawarachchi
J H Jayawardena
J H Jayawardena
Joe Abeywickrama
Joe Abeywickrama
Somy Rathnayake
Somy Rathnayake
Cyril Wickramage
Cyril Wickramage
Ananda Wijesinghe
Ananda Wijesinghe
Salaman Fonseka
Salaman Fonseka
Nilanthi Wijesinghe
Nilanthi Wijesinghe
Peter's Wife


Bandula Gunawardane
Bandula Gunawardane
Dharmasiri Bandaranayake
Dharmasiri Bandaranayake
Simon Navagattegama
Simon Navagattegama

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