Kierkegaard - Dangerous Thoughts (2013)
Género : Drama, Documental
Tiempo de ejecución : 0M
En el año 180, el Imperio Romano domina todo el mundo conocido. Tras una gran victoria sobre los bárbaros del norte, el anciano emperador Marco Aurelio decide transferir el poder a Máximo, bravo general de sus ejércitos y hombre de inquebrantable lealtad al imperio. Pero su hijo Cómodo, que aspiraba al trono, no lo acepta y trata de asesinar a Máximo.
Gira en torno a la figura de la filósofa judío-alemana Hannah Arendt, que trabajó como reportera cubriendo el juicio a Adolf Eichmann, el nazi que organizó el genocidio contra los judíos. (FILMAFFINITY)
A una joven graduada en filosofía la invita a pasar un fin de semana en el campo una amiga, que también lleva a su padre y a su joven amante. Las circunstancias hacen que la joven y el padre de su amiga se queden solos.
En 1949, la excéntrica escritora Ayn Rand, famosa por su novela "El manantial", tiene que afrontar graves problemas personales debido a sus ideas liberales y a sus escarceos amorosos con jóvenes y hombres casados. (FILMAFFINITY)
A false accusation leads the philosopher Socrates to trial and condemnation in 4th century BC Athens.
Francia, finales del siglo XVIII. El gobierno, con el apoyo de la Iglesia, prohibe la publicación de la Enciclopedia de Diderot. Éste, por su parte, acompañado de algunos amigos, se refugia en un castillo. Allí intenta continuar su obra, pero sus amantes no se lo ponen nada fácil.
Writer and philosopher Voltaire, loyal to his king, Louis XV of France, nonetheless writes scathingly of the king's disdain for the rights and needs of his people. Louis admires Voltaire, but is increasingly influenced against him by his minister, the Count de Sarnac.
"Finding Joseph I" es una película documental que narra la excéntrica vida del cantante de rock reggae, Paul "HR" Hudson de Bad Brains. El carismático líder , hizo unas explosivas actuaciones en vivo que ayudaron a ser el pionero del hardcore mientras entregaban el mensaje esclarecedor de actitud mental positiva. La gran devoción de HR a la La fe rastafari lo guió en una dirección espiritual, dejando a la banda varias veces para explorar su amor por la música reggae . Con los años, los recursos humanos son cada vez más impredecibles y su
comportamiento anormal , convenció a muchos , que sufre de una enfermedad mental.
Albert Camus died at 46 years old on January 4, 1960, two years after his Nobel Prize in literature. Author of “L'Etranger”, one of the most widely read novels in the world, philosopher of the absurd and of revolt, resistant, journalist, playwright, Albert Camus had an extraordinary destiny. Child of the poor districts of Algiers, tuberculosis patient, orphan of father, son of an illiterate and deaf mother, he tore himself away from his condition thanks to his teacher. French from Algeria, he never ceased to fight for equality with the Arabs and the Kabyle, while fearing the Independence of the FLN. Founded on restored and colorized archives, and first-hand accounts, this documentary attempts to paint the portrait of Camus as he was.
A biography of St. Augustine as he enters the episcopacy and deals with heresy and the decline of the Western Roman Empire.
Director Victor Kossakovsky dedicated his documentary debut to the Russian philosopher and religious thinker Alexey Fedorovich Losev (1893-1988), who died shortly after the completion of the film.
A young woman named Julia brings her fiance and his mother to a village in India to meet her father and brother. Hospitality proves in short supply and things take a turn for the worse when Julia's seductive younger sister arrives.
A voyage to the center of the thought of Michel Foucault (1926-1984), a tireless explorer of the margins, a brilliant and atypical thinker, through excerpts from his books and lectures, and the use of images that resonate with them.
A surreal satire about a philosophy student who takes a job as a gravedigger while suffering an existential crisis.
Alan Watts discusses the Western dichotomy of work and play, and explains that when you take the play out of work life becomes joyless drudgery.
In 2017 Finland celebrates 100 years of independence. The famous philosopher Bruno is curing his writers' block in Lapland, when he gets an invitation to the President's Grand Ball in Helsinki. The railway systems are frozen and he misses the only plane, but the Laplander Jallu agrees to drive him 1200 km (745 miles) south.
Secrets of a Soul: Margarethe, Creator of bizarre sculptures! Night club dancer? Mad woman? Victim of an occult conspiracy?! Dark menaces steal her soul and organs. Though dead they keep her alive...
Alan Watts talks about our perception of the world, and how we derive metaphysics from it. Watts recorded this video in 1971 as a pilot for a public television series in the United States.
The last few days in the life of Socrates, including his trial.