
Happy 40th (2015)

Género : Drama, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M

Director : Madoka Raine


A woman celebrates her 40th birthday by having her three best friends come and stay with her and her husband for a long weekend. This woman has been in a wheelchair for the past two years, and it has led her to isolate herself inside of her home. Her husband stands by her as he lives with the guilt of causing the car accident which put her in the wheelchair. Over the course of the three day celebration, it is revealed that everyone is struggling with their own lives and identities. When one best friend makes a terrible mistake and betrays the woman on her birthday, everyone is immediately and uncomfortably forced into looking at their own lives and their own limitations.


Yvonne Woods
Yvonne Woods
Brian Slaten
Brian Slaten
Jenni Blong
Jenni Blong
Robyn Cohen
Robyn Cohen
Madoka Raine
Madoka Raine


Madoka Raine
Madoka Raine
Madoka Raine
Madoka Raine

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