Nana Benz (2012)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 27M

Director : Thomas Böltken


Nana Benz is the story of the legendary queens of the West African mercer, self-made women, coming out of nowhere, building empires. These women were heroes to the people, Mercedes driver at the West African coast. They influenced the history of Togo and were witnesses of the fights for independence, the dictatorship till the globalization nowadays. Thomas Böltken manages to establish closure to the protagonists by letting their heirs - grandchildren, widows, lovers - speak.



Thomas Böltken
Thomas Böltken
Thomas Böltken
Thomas Böltken
Thomas Böltken
Thomas Böltken
Director of Photography
Brigitta Tauchner
Brigitta Tauchner

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