
Η Κυρία Του Κυρίου (1962)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Giannis Dalianidis



Dinos Iliopoulos
Dinos Iliopoulos
Minas Kanoudis
Gelly Mavropoulou
Gelly Mavropoulou
Eva Kanoudi
Hristos Tsaganeas
Hristos Tsaganeas
Theofanis Delakis
Ketty Panou
Ketty Panou
Bety Moshona
Bety Moshona
Periklis Hristoforidis
Periklis Hristoforidis
Vasos Andronidis
Vasos Andronidis
Kosmas Stamatiou (as Vasilis Andronidis)
Popi Lazou
Popi Lazou
Dina Karadima
Giannis Vogiatzis
Giannis Vogiatzis
‎fur‎ seller
Nota Paroussi
Nota Paroussi
Liana Orfanou
Liana Orfanou
Manolis Kastrinos
Manolis Kastrinos
Hrysoula Zoka
Hrysoula Zoka


Giannis Dalianidis
Giannis Dalianidis
Nikos Tsiforos
Nikos Tsiforos
Nikos Dimopoulos
Nikos Dimopoulos
Director of Photography
Kostas Klavvas
Kostas Klavvas
Manolis Kastrinos
Manolis Kastrinos
Nikos Xepapadakos
Nikos Xepapadakos
Makeup Artist
Petros Lykas
Petros Lykas
Markos Zervas
Markos Zervas
Set Decoration
Mikes Damalas
Mikes Damalas
Sound Engineer
Mary Vessi
Mary Vessi
Assistant Editor
Leonidas Antonakis
Leonidas Antonakis
Assistant Editor
Haralambos Alepis
Haralambos Alepis
Assistant Editor
Yiorgos Stamboulopoulos
Yiorgos Stamboulopoulos
Assistant Director
Vassilis Mariolis
Vassilis Mariolis
Assistant Director
Pavlos Tasios
Pavlos Tasios
Vasilis Vasileiadis
Vasilis Vasileiadis
Assistant Camera
Markos Zervas
Markos Zervas
Production Director

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Μάντεψε τι κάνω τα βράδια
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Μικροί και μεγάλοι εν δράσει...