Mad Dog (2016)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 12M

Director : Mauri R. Chifflét, Martin Sandin
Escritor : Mauri R. Chifflét, Martin Sandin


Reza "Mad Dog" Madadi was at the peak of his career. A celebrated MMA star with lucrative sponsorship contracts for UFC. He and his wife Kate expected their first child. Everything he dreamed about as a little boy was going to happen. One early morning in May 2013, it changed , forever. This documentary depicts his struggle for revenge. The film focuses on the social issues of prejudice, racism , shame, pride and the struggle to find your place in life.


Reza Madadi
Reza Madadi


Mauri R. Chifflét
Mauri R. Chifflét
Mauri R. Chifflét
Mauri R. Chifflét
Martin Sandin
Martin Sandin
Martin Sandin
Martin Sandin
Martin Sandin
Martin Sandin

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