
Au nord de l'hiver (1993)

Género : Aventura, Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 32M

Director : Nicolas Vanier


Nicolas Vanier undertook a 5,000-mile odyssey across frigid yet varied landscapes fom the mountains of Mongolia to Lake Baykal to the Siberian tundra. The adventure lasted 18 months, during wich Vanier and his team confronted some of the most hostile regions on the globe, finally reaching the Arctic ice cap. Throughout this amazing itinerary, only traditional mean of transportation were used to advance across the various types of difficult terrain encountered.


Thomas Bounoure
Thomas Bounoure
Alain Brénichot
Alain Brénichot
Jean-Christophe Celbert
Jean-Christophe Celbert
Karl Gerin
Karl Gerin
Jeannot Girard
Jeannot Girard
Volodia Glazounov
Volodia Glazounov
Benoît Maury-Laribiere
Benoît Maury-Laribiere
André Michalcak
André Michalcak
Richard Pavone
Richard Pavone
Bruno Stritmatter
Bruno Stritmatter
Nicolas Vanier
Nicolas Vanier
Michel Vigné
Michel Vigné


Nicolas Vanier
Nicolas Vanier
Nicolas Vanier
Nicolas Vanier
Charlélie Couture
Charlélie Couture
Michelle Carentac
Michelle Carentac
Valérie Zisman
Valérie Zisman
Jean Afanassieff
Jean Afanassieff
Camera Operator
Thomas Bounoure
Thomas Bounoure
Camera Operator
Hugues de Léon
Hugues de Léon
Camera Operator
Denis Ducroz
Denis Ducroz
Camera Operator
Christian Gaume
Christian Gaume
Camera Operator
Alain Rastoin
Alain Rastoin
Camera Operator
Nicolas Vanier
Nicolas Vanier
Camera Operator
Christian Chauvin
Christian Chauvin
Thomas Bounoure
Thomas Bounoure
Alain Brénichot
Alain Brénichot
Philippe Penot
Philippe Penot
Sound Effects
Sophie Bhaud
Sophie Bhaud
Corine Lesage
Corine Lesage
Jean-Pierre Bailly
Jean-Pierre Bailly
Production Executive
Jacques Thomas-Gérard
Jacques Thomas-Gérard
Sound Re-Recording Mixer

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