
A Billion Colour Story (2017)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 45M

Director : Narasimhamurthy Padmakumar
Escritor : Narasimhamurthy Padmakumar


The curious child of idealistic interfaith parents observes an increasingly intolerant world as his family faces financial strain.


Dhruva Padmakumar
Dhruva Padmakumar
Hari Aziz
Gaurav Sharma
Gaurav Sharma
Imran Aziz
Parvati Aziz
Rashmi Singh Somvanshi
Rashmi Singh Somvanshi
Swapnil Ralkar
Swapnil Ralkar


Narasimhamurthy Padmakumar
Narasimhamurthy Padmakumar
Narasimhamurthy Padmakumar
Narasimhamurthy Padmakumar
Satish Kaushik
Satish Kaushik
Narasimhamurthy Padmakumar
Narasimhamurthy Padmakumar

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