
The Black Stork (1917)

Kill defectives, save the nation and see 'The Black Stork'.

Género : Drama, Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 50M

Director : Leopold Wharton, Theodore Wharton


A young man and woman are considering marriage; eugenicist Harry J Haiselden warns that they are ill-matched and will produce defective offspring. He is right; their baby is born defective, dies quickly and floats into heaven.


Jane Fearnley
Jane Fearnley
Miriam Fontaine
Allan Murnane
Allan Murnane
Tom Watson
Hamilton Revelle
Hamilton Revelle
Claude Leffingwell
Elsie Esmond
Elsie Esmond
Anne Schultz
Henry Bergman
Henry Bergman
The Detective
John Miltern
John Miltern
Edgar L. Davenport
Edgar L. Davenport
George Moss
George Moss
Elsie Baker
Elsie Baker
Harry J. Haiselden
Harry J. Haiselden
Dr. Dickey
Bessie Wharton
Bessie Wharton
Frances White
Frances White


Leopold Wharton
Leopold Wharton
Theodore Wharton
Theodore Wharton

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