
The Ark and the Aardvark (2024)

Género : Familia, Animación

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 58M

Director : John Stevenson
Escritor : Glen Dolman, Philip LaZebnik


An aardvark named Gilbert lands the job of shepherding all the animals onto Noah's Ark.


Miles Teller
Miles Teller
Gilbert (voice)
Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate
Mitzy (voice)
Aubrey Plaza
Aubrey Plaza
Brain (voice)
Stephen Merchant
Stephen Merchant
Croc (voice)
Craig Robinson
Craig Robinson
Clyde (voice)
Rob Riggle
Rob Riggle
The Todd (voice)


John Stevenson
John Stevenson
Richie Chavez
Richie Chavez
Glen Dolman
Glen Dolman
Christopher Jenkins
Christopher Jenkins
Philip LaZebnik
Philip LaZebnik
Larry Leker
Larry Leker
Babak Eftekhari
Babak Eftekhari
Associate Producer
Hasmi Ferguson
Hasmi Ferguson
Wayne Marc Godfrey
Wayne Marc Godfrey
Executive Producer
C. Steve Goldstein
C. Steve Goldstein
Executive Producer
Dong-Joo Kim
Dong-Joo Kim
Keith Kjarval
Keith Kjarval
Cecil Kramer
Cecil Kramer
Executive Producer
Larry Olmstead
Larry Olmstead
Business Affairs Coordinator
Kurt Rauer
Kurt Rauer
Ben Ruffman
Ben Ruffman
Executive Producer
John Stevenson
John Stevenson
Executive Producer
Bert Van Brande
Bert Van Brande
Anthony Di Ninno
Anthony Di Ninno
Stan Webb
Stan Webb
Luc Desmarchelier
Luc Desmarchelier
Production Design
Ron Lukas
Ron Lukas
Art Direction
Jesse Schmidt
Jesse Schmidt
Art Direction
Nicolas Weis
Nicolas Weis
Art Direction
Liza Dodson
Liza Dodson
Production Manager
Karl Armstrong
Karl Armstrong
Assistant Editor
Gregory F. Plotts
Gregory F. Plotts
Assistant Editor

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