
Leipzig in Autumn (1989)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 54M

Director : Andreas Voigt, Gerd Kroske


Voigt, Kroske and Richter were among the first filmmakers who documented the events of the historic 9th of October 1989. Their “material” reflects them from different angles: protesters, workers, opposition members, policemen, street sweepers and functionaries. THE document of the “peaceful revolution”.



Andreas Voigt
Andreas Voigt
Gerd Kroske
Gerd Kroske
Andreas Voigt
Andreas Voigt
Gerd Kroske
Gerd Kroske
Sebastian Richter
Sebastian Richter
Karin Schöning
Karin Schöning
Manuela Bothe
Manuela Bothe

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