
The Ondekoza (1981)

Género : Documental, Música

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 47M

Director : Tai Katô


A documentary profiling a Japanese taiko drumming group based in the remote Sado Island, Japan. The film blurs the line between real-life documentary footage of the troupe's training and practice regimes, and staged performances of their varied musical acts, with sets designed by artist Tadanori Yokoo and an additional experimental electronic music score by Toshi Ichiyanagi.


Eitetsu Hayashi
Eitetsu Hayashi
Toshio Kawauchi
Toshio Kawauchi
Yoshiaki Ooi
Yoshiaki Ooi
Yoshikazu Fujimoto
Yoshikazu Fujimoto
Takumi Takano
Takumi Takano
Mitsuru Mori
Mitsuru Mori


Tai Katô
Tai Katô
Tagayasu Den
Tagayasu Den
Shigeo Nakakura
Shigeo Nakakura
Assistant Director
Keiji Maruyama
Keiji Maruyama
Director of Photography
Toshi Ichiyanagi
Toshi Ichiyanagi
Tadanori Yokoo
Tadanori Yokoo
Art Direction
Hideo Nishizaki
Hideo Nishizaki
Sound Director
Chiyoo Umeda
Chiyoo Umeda
Art Direction
Masahiro Noda
Masahiro Noda
Lighting Manager
Riichi Tomiyake
Riichi Tomiyake
Tsutomu Ishihara
Tsutomu Ishihara
Still Photographer
Shigeo Nakakura
Shigeo Nakakura
Scenario Writer

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