
The Manila Rope (1976)

Género : Bélica, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 15M

Director : Veli-Matti Saikkonen


Manillaköysi is a cult status holding TV-movie adaptation of the satirical war novel by Veijo Meri. Manillaköysi has an endless list of classic one-liners, but it is still not based on cheap laughs or anything like that. The whole humouristic aspect of it comes from describing the absurdity of war, and the whole military system, by looking it with the eyes of a simple man, who's thrown into it, and who simply does not give a rats ass of it all. The tone of it is not overly preachy or moralizing. If I would have to describe it with one word, it would be: unglamourizing. The main point of Manillaköysi is pretty much compressed in one of the most famous quotes of it: There is nothing supernatural about war, it is just work like anything else.


Erkki Pajala
Erkki Pajala
Joose Keppilä
Vesa Mäkelä
Vesa Mäkelä
Martti Kuningas
Martti Kuningas
Esko Hukkanen
Esko Hukkanen
Hannu Kahakorpi
Hannu Kahakorpi
Seonnut alikersantti
Iris-Lilja Lassila
Iris-Lilja Lassila
Yrjö Parjanne
Yrjö Parjanne
Harri Tirkkonen
Harri Tirkkonen
Leila Itkonen
Leila Itkonen
Heikki Nousiainen
Heikki Nousiainen
Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
Mikko Nousiainen
Mikko Nousiainen
Kari Franck
Kari Franck
Hullu katolla
Henri Kapulainen
Henri Kapulainen
Soittajan kaveri
Asko Sarkola
Asko Sarkola
Martti Kainulainen
Martti Kainulainen
Matti Tapio
Matti Tapio
Saksalainen vääpeli


Veli-Matti Saikkonen
Veli-Matti Saikkonen
Veijo Meri
Veijo Meri
Veli-Matti Saikkonen
Veli-Matti Saikkonen
Raimo Hartzell
Raimo Hartzell
Lasse Litovaara
Lasse Litovaara
Sound Recordist
Toivo Vilkkula
Toivo Vilkkula
Sound Recordist
Anneli Wirtavuori
Anneli Wirtavuori
Costume Design
Eila Vaittinen
Eila Vaittinen
Makeup Designer
Georg Sikow
Georg Sikow
Production Design
Risto Salo
Risto Salo
Heikki Valpola
Heikki Valpola
Osmo Savolainen
Osmo Savolainen
Special Effects

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