Miss Staff Sergeant (2010)
Género : Acción, Drama, Bélica
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 45M
Director : Cho Myeong-nam
Yu-mi applies to a marine outfit to become their first female member. Finding out about their NO woman-policy, she pushes herself to the extreme and fils a petition. After overcoming many obstacles, she is finally accepted for her outstanding performance. However, conflicts never cease between sergeants and Yu-mi, who’s new to the tradition and culture of the marines. Following the sudden death of a trainee, Sergeant HA, she is appointed to the head of the team. Highly motivated Yu-mi loses her troupe's trust after losing IBS. The team is in danger of dissolution due to the loss of a magazine.
Created from footage captured during the filming of the PBS series Carrier, explores the struggle waged by three men in various stages of fatherhood to serve their country while living and working in the harsh environment of an aircraft carrier, and constantly thinking of the loved ones they left behind.
Es la noche de Año Nuevo en Valparaíso. Todos los barcos y calles centrales están especialmente iluminados. Pero en los cerros que circundan el centro de la estrecha ciudad hay pobreza para sus habitantes. Ellos viven trasladándose en viejos ascensores o remitiéndose a subir y bajar interminables escaleras, transportando el agua. Mientras tanto, los ricos se divierten, ignorándolos. Se narra la historia de Valparaíso, "el valle del paraíso", lugar alguna vez dominado por conquistadores y piratas que también enfrenta a los elementos naturales: el mar, el sol, el viento y el fuego.
A meteor falls to earth near a secret CIA military hideout and merges with a motorcycle and it's rider to create an alien soldier bent on recovering an alien artifact..
A hippy couple travelling cross country run foul of a band of mercenaries.
Based on a true story of Polish submarine "Orzel" (The Eagle): September 1939, "Orzel" is coming to Estonian neutral harbor in Tallin. Under pressure from Germany Estonians have intern the ship. Commander Grabinski decides to escape to England through the Baltic Sea, without any maps that has been confiscated and with only small amount of fuel on board.
Kit Madden es una novelista que viaja en tren a Hollywood para colaborar en una película que se basa en su nuevo libro 'Aquí está el mañana'. Durante el trayecto conoce al marine Rusty Thomas, un caballero que discutirá con ella diversos aspectos del libro, mostrando su desacuerdo en algunos puntos, sin saber que está hablando con la autora.
Drama sobre las secuelas de la guerra de Vietnam. Un soldado vuelve inválido a su hogar, paralizado de cintura para abajo. En el hospital de veteranos le atiende la esposa de un militar que combate en Vietnam y que trabaja allí voluntariamente. Ambos se enamoran, y el regreso del marido de la guerra complicará las cosas.
El oficial Bull Meechum (Robert Duvall) es un piloto del ejército norteamericano y ex-combatiente de Vietnam, apodado “Gran Santini”. Implacable y déspota, trata a su familia con el mismo rigor y dureza que emplea con sus escuadrones. Es un “guerrero sin guerra”, en continua pugna con su hijo Ben, quien no sólo desafía la tiranía de su padre, sino que como buen adolescente, se rebela contra él.
The Indonesian archipelago in the Indo-Pacific Ocean comprises thousands of islands, atolls and the largest concentration of coral reefs in the world. This rich and varied environment is a product of a unique set of natural circumstances.
La superestrella de la lucha libre Ted DiBiase encarna a un héroe de un grupo "selecto y orgulloso" en este explosivo film de acción a raudales, impactantes efectos especiales, y un heroísmo digno de un verdadero marine. Durante unas merecidas vacaciones tropicales, el sargento de los marines Joe Linwood y su esposa Robin acuden a una fiesta muy exclusiva. Por desgracia, unos despiadados terroristas irrumpen en ella y secuestran a varios rehenes, incluída Robin, Solo, en un país extranjero, sin refuerzos de ningún tipo, Linwood se verá obligado a poner en práctica todas las artimañas de su formación de marine para salvar a los rehenes y evitar que se desencadene un conflicto internacional.
En la batalla de la Reserva Chosin durante la Guerra de Corea, la Primera División de Infantería de Marina Estadounidense, muy mermada, pero mejor equipada que el enemigo, luchó contra fuerzas chinas durante el invierno de 1950. Aunque estaban rodeados, sin provisiones y soportando temperaturas congelantes, los infantes se reagruparon, atacaron a los chinos y les causaron muchísimas bajas mientras se retiraban hacia la costa.
A Marine on leave from Vietnam becomes involved with hippies, communes and drug-running.
This short film shows U.S. Marines in training at a number of unidentified bases, with a focus on hand-to-hand combat.
A division of marines survive a battle with the Chinese army but find themselves stranded without contact on the wrong side of the front.
Dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Marines after starting a barroom brawl that gets his leatherneck buddy "Tubby" Waters killed, hothead "Woody" Davis infiltrates a gang of Shanghai gunrunners to bring the culprit to justice.
Biff and Jeff, two American G.I.'s on furlough in Australia during The Second World War, are enjoying their time the way most soldiers on leave do. When they meet the beautiful Joyce, however, they both fall head over heels for her, and start competing for her attentions. As their R&R time begins to run out, the schemes they each come up with to win her affection and foil the other's plans to do the same become more and more outrageous.
Eric Hawke a British Marine, attends the funeral of his policeman brother who he discovers has been attempting to investigate the mysterious kidnappings and murders of a local Asian street gang. The clues seem to point to a rival Nazi white supremacist gang as the culprits, but Lizzie (Hawke's brother's partner in the police force) is not so sure: she suspects a larger conspiracy which involves one of the city's most powerful crime bosses, a man by the name of Garr. As the body count rises, Eric, Lizzie and young Asian gang member Lipo Chung race to uncover the truth behind the murders, before more missing gang members wash up on the beach with missing organs.
Southern California's Hotel Coronado caters to and is frequented by members of the social upper-crust. Although she lives on the wrong side of the San Diego track, in a tent-city with her father. Otto, and ditzy sister, Violet, June Wray is a singer with the Eddy Duchin Orchestra appearing to the hotel. Johnny Marvin, an aspiring songwriter and the son of a wealthy automobile manufacturer, is staying at the hotel and, from they moment June and Johnny meet, they fall instantly in love. Trouble arises when Johnny's father objects to the romance, and complications and help arrive in the form of two Marine-hating sailors,Chuck Hornbostel and "Pinky" Falls, when Chuck marries June's ditzy sister.
Una joven alquila un apartamento a un hombre que se acaba de alistar en los marines. El problema es que ha dado las llaves a media docena de amigos, que no paran de dejarse caer por el piso.