
Why Does God Hate Me? (2011)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 16M

Director : Joel Ashton McCarthy


A coming-of-age comedy about a 14-year-old boy whose best friend tries to 'cure' him of being gay.


Dakota Daulby
Dakota Daulby
Nina Winkler
Nina Winkler
Daven Pitkin
Daven Pitkin
Young Matthew
Jack Christofferson
Jack Christofferson
Myles Milligan
Myles Milligan
Ava Hassen
Ava Hassen
Ryan McNeill Bolton
Ryan McNeill Bolton
Peter Kerek
Peter Kerek
School Preacher
Erin Mudry
Erin Mudry
Girl at Clinic
Wolf Bishop
Wolf Bishop
Baby Matthew
Charlie Canaan
Charlie Canaan
Choir Boy 1
David Gattey
David Gattey
Choir Boy 2
Liam Ingraham
Liam Ingraham
Choir Boy 3
Christopher Aitken
Christopher Aitken
Football Player 1
Robert Holden
Robert Holden
Football Player 2


Joel Ashton McCarthy
Joel Ashton McCarthy
Joel Ashton McCarthy
Joel Ashton McCarthy

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